14 Ways to Show Your Child Love: Valentine's Day & Every Day

From: HealthyChildren.org

1. Have Heart-to-Heart Conversations
Ask your child ​"How was your day?" and actively listen to the answer. Be available when your child wants to talk, even if it's not the best time for you. If they tell you about a challenge they are facing, let them finish the story before helping them solve the problem. Many kids are having a tough time dealing with losses they have experienced during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. If you see signs of anxiety or depression talk with your pediatrician. For more information, see How to Talk About Mental Health With Your Child and Their Pediatrician.​

2. Hold Time Together Dear
​Mark game nights or other family activities on your calendar so that everyone can look forward to enjoying time together. With cold winter weather and the ongoing spread of COVID-19, take the opportunity to spend more time at home playing and connecting as a family. Also be sure to carve out one-on-one time with each of your children regularly to do something they enjoy.  Put away cell phones, tablets and other media devices during these special times and really focus on each other.


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